Who are We?

Shaileshwari Power Nepal Ltd. Company is established to develop hydropower managed by the team of diversified well experienced professionals, local and successful businessmen from various disciplines such as Management, Economics, Engineering, Education, and Public Affairs; committed to bring excellence in the corporate and public governance.

The Company aims to generate and supply energy from various sources, mainly by hydropower.

About Upper Gaddigad Hydropower Project

The Mathilo Gaddigad is a run of the river (ROR) type hydropower project, located in Purbichauki Gaunpalika, Doti district of Province No. 7, Nepal. The Gaddigad is a tributary of the SetiRiver which is one of the tributary of KarnaliRiver. Gaddigad has 40% dependable flow which is estimated at 2.01 m3/s and is adopted as the design discharge of the project.

Motorable Access to Project
877 Km from Kathmandu
1.55 MW Capacity
Produces 8.42 GWh Energy Annually
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All Risk are manageable

Limited Shareholders

Experienced Directors

Local Involvement

Our Core Values

Identification of Potential Location to Develop Hydropower

Develop Hydropower Contributing Independence of Power in the Country

Deep Involvement of Private Entrepreneurship

MR. Lal Bahadur Bam

Chairman, Shaileshwari Power Nepal Ltd

Mr.Bam is the key person to conceive this project and playing the vital roles to be the project to this status. He is the Proprietor of LB & AB Builders, Dhangadhi. He is the Founder of Sudur Pashim Academy Collage which is the reputed collage of Sudurpashim province. He has more experience in Construction field like Bridge, Road, Buildings, Drinking water, Irrigation etc. He has also Experience in electrification Field like 33 kv and 11 kv Transmission line as well as Local distribution line.


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