Apply for Promoters Share

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Full Name in BLOCK LETTER*
Temporary Address
Payment Method
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Do you wish to publish your detail in shareholder list in website?


Is there option to pay the amount in installment basis

No, we do not collect amount in installment basis and all payment shall be done at once

Bank Detail for Direct Deposit

Company: PEACE ENERGY COMPANY PVT. LTD. Bank Name: Machapuchchhre Bank Ltd. Branch: Lazmipat, Kathmandu Account Number: 0390992270400012 Swift Code: MBLNNPKA
  • Please send the payment confirmation voucher along with this form
  • You will receive payment receipt voucher after confirming that the amount has been deposited in Bank
  •  After the payment of all installments, the company will provide you Promoter Share Certificate
  • Please send your passport size picture and copy of citizenship or passport with this form
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